All India Blood Helpline is an innovative concept which is absolutely different than normal blood donation process. It is a 24X7 Telephone-Based Blood Donors search engine. We create an area-wise donors data base and arrange live donors for blood & platelet (SDP) donations when required. These services are provided to the needy people without any charges.
The National average of voluntary donors is 4 per thousand. If this national average can be raised to 8 voluntary blood donor per 1000 population, there would not be any shortage of blood for the country and none would die for want of blood for transfusion.
The Blood Helpline is reliable and single-window access to blood donors and recipients.
About Us

All India Blood Helpline, the first of its kind, set up in order to eliminate the hassles faced by people during emergencies. We aim to provide a humanitarian service to our brethren with an objective to bridge the gap between donor and recipients through a transparent, quick and hassle-free channel.
Our new & noble concept of bringing the donor and recipients on one platform is the backbone of our organization.
Scarcity of blood is increasing day by day and the city is facing lots of problem in finding blood donors and the blood components.
Despite being a country with a population of 1.2 billion, India faces a blood shortage of 3 million units. The problem can be addressed if an additional two percent of Indians donated blood health experts’ say.
- Every two seconds someone in India needs blood.
- More than 50,000 blood donations are needed every day.
- Approximately 60% of the Indian population is eligible to give blood – only 1% does in a given year.
- 350ml of blood can save as many as three lives.
- The need for blood will increase 5% each year.
- One out of every three of us will need blood in our life time.

Only awareness, more sensitization and enhanced blood donation camps can match the shortage.
Highlights of Our Project

Important of Blood Help Line
- When fresh blood required for patient.
- When Platelet (SDP) required.
- When other blood bank's blood not accepted.
- When Donors Card not accepted. (If not issue by concern hospital).
- Create a support system of blood requirement for outstation patients.

Key Highlights
- Creation of an area-wise donor's database.
- Quick, Smooth access to the listed donor from the same locality when required.
- Prompt response and efficient coordination by the well-qualified staff.
- Helps in saving someone's life.

Impact of Blood Help Line
- Bridges the GAP between Donor & Recipient.
- Makes 100% Transparency in Blood Donations.
- Single Window Access to the Donor & Reciver.
- Helps searching rare blood group in emergency.
- Increase PLATELET donor by continuous awareness program.

Our Aim
- To Promote A Telephone-Based BLOOD HELPLINE.
- To support needy people who run form pillar to post to get Blood.
- To create an area-wise donors data bank.
- To build a good network team for a noble cause.
How We Do
Most of the times patients face more problems when they have come from rural areas, not having any friends or relatives in the city, not having links who can recommend getting Blood without any difficulties.
Once we get a request for a blood donor through our Helpline, we call to our registered volunteer blood donors immediately and co-ordinate between donor & recipients till the donation process ends. Also our hospital coordinators help recipients to get blood donors and the donation process without any problem.

Give Your Request
Let's know the details about your requirements like Patient's name, Age, Blood Group, Concern Hospital details etc.

Searching the Donor
After taking the request call we find the volunteer donors around the same location where the donation process will be done.

Donation Process
We connect the interested volunteer donor to the contact person or relative of the patient and also co-ordinate through our volunteer & our helpline staff.
Campaign Gallery
Our prestigious voluntary work on campaigns by the team.
Feedback From Donors & Recipients
My 7 years old son was getting treatment in Tata Memorial Hospital. During this period he needed Blood & Platelets (SDP). As we had come from Madhya Pradesh & had no contacts, the Blood Helpline Team arranged Blood & Platelets. Thanks to entire team for the great & unforgettable support.

Devender Agarwal
The Arpan Jyoti Foundation has initiated a very positive and reliable movement towards cost free blood donation.It ensures that your help reaches the needy person directly. KEEP GOING!!!

Vinay Nair
There was an urgent need of B-ve blood for my wife after her delivery. I contacted almost 20 hospitals & blood banks, but we couldn’t get anywhere in the city. Through this Blood Helpline, it was arranged within 10 minutes. My wife’s life saved. Thanks.

Ashish Dwivedi
You are doing an excellent work for humanity. You are providing a platform between donors and recipients of blood for free of charge. All the best.

Vyas Kartikey
Become A Part Of Great Work Today
Contact Us
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